There's Room for Both
I believe there’s room for both enjoying life and being responsible global citizens. I would love to do a 30-ballbark road trip and watch a baseball game in every stadium. It’s fun to go out with friends to have some drinks. I enjoy going to the park and throwing for the dog. There’s nothing wrong with any of these activities. But there’s so much distraction out there, for everything, to capture as much of our attention 24/7/365. Is it okay to play fantasy football? Of course! But let’s also think about important issues that actually have an impact on our society, on the world our children will inherit.
Perhaps a possible compromise is to keep the big picture in view while enjoying our leisure time. On that ballpark road trip I could try talking to 5 people about important charity work. Over drinks maybe friends stray into the realm of politics—yes actually go there—and strive to have a level-headed conversation, to hear out others’ perspectives, to understand. While spending time with the dog I can reflect on how I’m feeling, how I’m doing.
It’s important to have recreation, and for that recreation to truly be recreation. I’m not saying we should never have fun and enjoy just to enjoy. But maybe we can work what really matters into that leisure time, just sporadically. Such a path might bridge those two worlds, so that we think about our one big beautiful amazing world a little more often, from a more holistic vantage point. There’s definitely room for both, but integrating them occasionally can be one solution.