Keeping it Simple
The KISS principle (“keep it stupid simple”) not only applies to design, but to our collective perspectives and experiences. Simple retains truth over the long term, and we can always come back to the simple things. In plain terms, all humans want the same things: health, wealth, and happiness. One can lead a good life by cultivating the fundamental qualities of gratitude, earnest, and consideration. Americans can unite around the common ideals of the nation: freedom, justice, and equality. We may disagree politically, or live our lives differently, or want separate things when breaking it down further, but on a meaningful level, on a simple level, we are all the same. Going back to the core concepts, returning to the basic principles, and rediscovering the simple truths will enable us to grow and prosper. Embracing ‘simple' makes harmony and synergy possible. Change may be the only thing in life that’s constant, but returning to simplicity can change the world.