Ode to Joy
In 2017 I attended one of Brendon Burchard’s conferences. He’s an inspiring person, mainly due to his strong positivity. One of his key mantras is to “live with joy.” It’s a good way to say it. Unlike happiness, joy is something we can choose to experience. Joy is something we can focus on, something we can aspire to have. Joy is active: we can “do it.” We can conscientiously live with a feeling of joy. We can bring a sense of joy to everything we do. #joy is one of only a few hashtags I include in every single one of my Instagram posts. To “look on the bright side” or “be positive” is great—but joy goes a step further. It’s you actively manifesting the thrill and pleasure of being alive. Because how glorious is life? We are atoms and cells, the universe consciously experiencing itself. Embrace it. With joy.