Rejecting Normal
Everything can be normalized, even a pandemic. Zoom hangouts galore, and we still aren’t getting our fix of social interaction. There’s the revealing power of routine in our daily lives, now that we’re conscious of it. And there’s the great struggle for balance: can you stay current on current events without becoming addicted to the media machine? Can you be productive, contribute to society and the world, and still live an interesting adventure?
It’s a strange, strange world. But it was before all of this started, and besides, it’s also a beautiful, amazing one. We are what we think about. We embody what we do. Our choices and actions encapsulate who we are.
All of this comes to the fore when you awaken at dawn and experience the rising morning light. We are one species of millions on a planet among billions in the Milky Way, just one galaxy of trillions in the universe. Even in shelter-in-place, life is pretty amazing.
Stay away from normal. We are anything but ordinary.