One Pandemic, One Moment, One Opportunity, One World
Every person is facing a different situation right now, and in that we are all unique. However, regardless of our individual circumstances, we are all affected by this pandemic, as it concerns the whole world—we all share this experience.
Right now is our collective moment. It is humanity’s opportunity. It's our chance, the chance for each of us to clearly determine what is most important. What is the one big thing each of us can focus on? What makes us feel alive?
This pandemic is granting us the opportunity to reset and reconfigure our lives toward our wildest dreams, to the most ridiculous goals we’ve ever considered. It’s providing us the opportunity to decide how we want to treat each other, how we want to live. It’s giving us the opportunity to become one world.
The rest of our lives begins now. The future of the world starts right now. All we have to do is ask ourselves: What’s important to me? What must I achieve before I die? How can I contribute to this one world?