Quick and Slow
Let’s not be so quick. Like Marky Mark says in Shooter, “slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” Let’s not be so quick to go back to poisoning our air. Driving down the Santa Cruz mountains yesterday I could actually see the Valley floor and across it to the foothills. It was beautiful.
Let’s not be so quick to revert back to our imperfect system. We have fundamental flaws in our socioeconomic hierarchy, and they will be exposed as we open up—when the working poor will have to choose between going in to work and risking infection versus staying home and healthy but losing their job, the upper class will still be able to work from home. Economies are complicated; all the more reason to have serious discussions about them now.
Let’s not be so quick to inundate ourselves with the flashy distractions we’ve built to divert our attention from our most pressing problems. Leisure and play and relaxation are integral to our wellbeing, but we must be cognizant of their nature, costs, and consequences.
We can build a better future. We just need to ask the right questions and have the right conversations. Let's not be so quick to give up on changing the world. Slow is smooth, and in the long run, smooth is fast.