Home front Thoughts
My mind wanders during this shelter-in-place. All the numbers and statistics get jumbled in my head, between reading the Johns Hopkins newsletters, New York Times updates, the news, and World War Z. It's eerie how similar fact and fiction can be, let’s just say that. And as we continue to have our virtual correspondence with our loved ones, I think of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book jacket: “And yet…As in all wars, life goes on…So it’s the home front that takes center stage...” We are what we think about, as Marcus Aurelius so calmly conveys to us. What are you thinking about during this global lockdown? It’s fair to call it global now, as half of the world’s population is under some sort of lockdown. It’s also fair to ask that question.
What are we thinking about? Do we just yearn for a return to “normal?” Or do we want something more, something better, something equal? Our thoughts will lead us there. We have the technology to get us there, and some leadership to help ground us and guide us. What kind of world do we want?