Grateful and Good
Since this blog’s inception I’ve advocated for embracing gratitude. Just about every single one of my corresponding instagram posts has a gratitude hashtag. When we fully appreciate the abundance and awe present in our lives every single day, setbacks don’t affect us as much. Our lives may not be perfect, but there is always so much for which to be thankful. I’ve written about it many times in many ways; you can check it out here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
However, setbacks happen. When I came across Jocko Willink’s video on YouTube I found another "g-word" that can really help us reframe our life experience. He champions a growth mindset and uttering the word “good” aloud when bad things happen. Doing so forces you to think about what possible good has come from the situation, and enables you to reflect on how you can best proceed productively and with purpose.
As Jocko says, you’re still alive and breathing. And when you think about it, you’re probably living a pretty incredible life compared to many. Using “the two G’s” in tandem can be enlightening. There’s a whole lot of good out there, and if we’re grateful for it, we’ll not only accomplish our goals, but enjoy life as we’re doing it.