World Narratives
Everybody thinks the world is going to shit. You see it all over the internet, people bemoaning 2020, definitively saying the world is falling to pieces. It’s not. Don’t fall into that narrative. People have been saying that for millennia, and they’ve all been wrong. It’s getting better. Overall, things are improving. Progress throttles down to a snail’s pace sometimes, and it often gets messy. We might not notice it all the time or even personally reap the benefits. But someone else might be gaining, and they’re worth it too. To despair is to waste. Be grateful for what has been accomplished, and set out to accomplish something of our own for future generations. Uncover your calling. Effect change. Create meaning through service. After all, there is life after death—for our children. Let’s gift them the opportunity to lead lives we can only conceive in dreams.