The Path of Small Pleasures
I see the colors of a sunrise or sunset, and I am grateful for the vision. As the days grow longer, I am appreciative of the seasons and their change. The few interactions I have with my tribe these days feel all the more meaningful, because they are few, and because they are with my tribe. As my ankle heals, I am thankful for being able to run, for my walks each day. The clean air of February reminds me how even breathing can become uncomfortable from fire or pollution, and I am grateful it is not so currently. Even in a pandemic, with all its strife and suffering, there is much fortune. If we approach each day as a gift, if we recognize all the small pleasures of existence, there is no need to evade our problems. Be they serious or many, we can solve them. We can come together through the common threads of our experience of life on this beautiful planet, and we can change the world.