Starting Point Duality
I had a conversation with a coworker recently regarding the difficult and delicate balance of staying informed versus simply consuming content and not straying your focus from your own empowerment. In today’s digital world it’s all too difficult, and I’ve yet to determine a solution.
But I’ve learned that when life happens, the news is one of the first things to go, all concern with it immediately gone.
It seems there’s a duality to our perception and our course of action. When we embrace a big picture paradigm, on the largest scale of space and time, the universe, and work backwards to our single being at this very moment, we can more easily appreciate the incredibility of reality. But when we want to take action to improve our environment, if we start from the smallest possible circle of control, ourselves, and work outward to increasingly larger circles of influence, our impact on that reality is that much greater.
It sure is one big beautiful amazing world.