The Outside and the Home
I heard a stat recently that most people spend 93% of their day indoors. It made me a little sad, because it insinuates we don’t live with the Earth, that we merely live on it. I try to tell myself to pause and enjoy the elements, even as I stand in the early morning cold waiting for the train as I write this. These thoughts resonate powerfully with me right now, as for the past several weeks we’ve been renovating our home. As I wrote recently, it’s natural for us to want to beautify and maintain our dwelling. It’s our one sacred safe place we build in the world. But at the same time, it’s one physical location on the vast surface of this planet. It can be a place of refuge and rest, but it shouldn’t be a prison. We were made with bodies equipped to explore. There’s a big beautiful amazing world out there. If we go see it, we’ll not only understand it better, but also better understand each other.