Meaningful Solitude
I’ve started reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, and this afternoon I realized I’ve only truly experienced such an extended state once in my life. It was when I moved into my friend’s house in Woodstock, the first suburb outside Cape Town, in the late part of 2011. In our small home, we had no internet and no cable. When we were both home, we had each other, often playing chess late into the night and discussing everything under the sun.
But alone, it provided solitude. I read more books in those few months than ever in my life. I would spend great periods of time reflecting on life and determining what’s important. It was in this timespan I deeply considered my personal principles: respect, responsibility, and resolve. I believe it was from my growth during this time that I decided to get my first tattoo. This graphic on my left side marks my awakening, the first conviction I felt around the vision of my life and the world.
So the book resonates with me, and I’m interested in considering a “digital declutter.” Because besides, it’s certainly one big beautiful amazing world.