Travel and Life Perception
There are many ways to perceive our life experience. One can narrowly focus on a singular aspect of life, like entertainment. It can become their whole identity. One can become consumed with economic prosperity, or obsessed with their work. One can even try to balance it all, surveying life holistically, and become preoccupied with life’s facets instead of life itself. But life is simply living.
It’s funny, humans appear to be the only ones on this planet that need a reminder. Perhaps it’s a premature consequence of high intelligence. But our species has reached an inflection point, between our biological evolution and our technological innovation. We’ve learned how to do powerful things, to significantly manipulate our environment. Yet that same progress enables us to travel. To see the world in its entirety, from the furthest polar regions to the deepest equatorial jungles. We can experience the totality of the planet unlike any other species.
It’s why I advocate for travel. When we see the world’s diversity firsthand, we are humbled and inspired. That leads to awareness, to action, to change. Because in the end, we all share an identical life experience. We are all denizens of Earth. We were all born here, and will all die here. We share it together. Through travel, we can change it.