A Gracious Look Back

I wrote a post earlier in the summer about how you won’t remember this moment 3 hours from now. That realization can definitely be helpful when distressed, upset, or fatigued, but I also think it spurs gratitude. It’s September 8th and it feels like Spain was years and years ago—I was there August 15th (and had the time of my life). In July I attended 2 important friends’ weddings, and that feels as if from a different life. How fortunate I’ve been over just this year.

Looking back can help us better appreciate our experiences, to see how they’ve shaped who we are today. Simple conversations with dear friends, meals shared with family, even brief exchanges with passerby; these interactions hold meaning. We are constantly learning, whether we’re aware of it or not. And I think that’s all the more evident when a few weeks, months, or years removed. How much fun was that BBQ in the summer, that trip to visit Grandma a few months back, or even that phone call with your best friend? Overall, we are so incredibly fortunate. A week ago can seem an eternity when viewed from a certain perspective.

Today I left the beautiful Italian chaos and countryside behind to visit a new place: Croatia. I can already feel how different it is. What experiences will I be able to look back on and be thankful for next week?