Greater Family First
If you ask someone what’s important to him or her, a lot of people will tell you, regardless of their age, ethnicity, or SES, that family is important to them. Family is almost universally a top priority for most humans. A lot of that is genetic, hardwired into our monkey brains, but I also think basically every human understands she has depended on family at some point. Some people forget, some people even resent their family members.
But the familial unit has enabled humanity to survive in harsh environments with stronger predators. Camaraderie and interdependence became the foundation for role specialization, agricultural production, and eventually the formation of society. Family helps us through our toughest days and darkest times. Family forgives.
What if we viewed humanity as family? On a global scale, Earth is our home. We are its inhabitants. While we’re here, can we treat ourselves better?