Challenging Holidays

Memorial Day can be a complicated day. On one hand, it’s our responsibility as citizens to pay our respects to all the brave souls who gave their lives to the ideal of freedom. On the other, our country has engaged in much needless warfare, in which those soldiers needn’t have died. Our progress working through this conundrum represents one facet of the necessary reckoning we must have as a society. How shall we proceed? Perhaps we can honor this day and move forward with respect.

Mother’s Day 2024

And then there’s Momma. Twenty-one inches I was apparently; now as an adult you wouldn’t believe it.

There’re a group of people in the world who give birth to other humans, who further our species, literally. These humans, we call mothers, raise and teach our young how to behave and how to live.

Everything we know, all the art and science, all the innovation that’s taken us to the moon and back, all begins with our mothers.

I know I can credit anything I contribute to my mother. I love you Mom, Happy Mother’s Day.

Incredibly Two Years Later

Today marks 2 years since my Granny died. As others who have lost loved ones can attest, the time has passed nonlinearly. I still remember the first time, many months later in 2022, when I realized, "I haven't thought about my Granny yet today."

She made an indelible impact not only on my life, but on those of many others. And 2 years later, my most poignant recollection is her positivity. Doris Martinez viewed people as good, the world as a nice place. It wasn't naviety; it was her manifestion of how to behave in the world.

Through her memory I try to always remember the bigger picture. To see the world as a wondrous place ripe for adventure. To emanate love from my core. And to be kind to others. Yes Granny, you've told me.