Onset of Summer

As the temperature heats up, molecules move faster, and that includes us. Summer is in the air in California, and its residents can’t withhold their excitement.

We’re at the precipice of one of my favorite times of the year: Mother’s and Father’s Day, the end of the school year, and the launch of summer. The year feels full of possibility, as we’re still not half way through.

How can we make this summer enjoyable, not just for ourselves, but for the world? How can we contribute just a little bit of ourselves to the larger global ecosystem?

Such considerations will enable future summers to remain enjoyable.

To See to Organize

The ability to organize is the hallmark of our species. It is what separates us from the other living things on this planet: to coordinate, to distribute resources, to distribute effort and labor. One would think our organization results would increase linearly across the rise of technology and civilization. That we would be many orders of magnitude further along the graph to our cohesiveness as one species.

And yet it feels we are more disunited than ever. We still engage in war, and prejudice appears rampant. Even while not fighting with violence, politically we could not be more separated, and the threat of violence lurks sinisterly.

We must step outside of ourselves and see the bigger picture, view our species across thousands of years. To come together is the only way to avoid peril. To see our species as one, to eliminate othering, is the only way we’ll manage organizing on a planetary scale, and thus be able to solve our global problems. We can take the leap to global consciousness. We have the technology and the tools. We only need to see.

Critical Thinking in Today’s World

Biologically we aim to assimilate. In marketing, we aim to be different.

As consumers we’re attracted to the bright and shiny, so ads are catchy and evoke emotion.

And in today’s world, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern when we’re being sold to. I believe it should be wrapped into every level of education.

Our ability to think critically will be the last bastion in an ever changing world.

The Need for Sociology in Today's Technological World

“Sociology is the study of human society… human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture…” so says Wikipedia. It helps us understand social change.

This field of study is often met with derision. But as the exponential acceleration of technological progression continues to dramatically alter our world, it’s clear Sociology is not only necessary but paramount. How our phones affect us shouldn’t just be studied on a neurobiological level, but on the grand stage of society.

Humans have always lived in groups. We are the orcas of the land, and our tools extend the size and reach of our pods. How we organize socially has determined our history and defines our fate. Understanding our sociology can help identify incentives, and ultimately inspire change.

Artificial Intelligence Considerations

Despite all the chatter, no one knows the outcome of our dance with AI. It's ironic that Dune Part 2 premiered this month, when its source novel provides:

“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”


"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of human mind."

I'm not against development of more capable AI. But we seem too eager to seize value from its capabilities without considering consequences. Everything has consequences in this universe; it's basic physics.

Do we understand the potential consequences of General Artificial Intelligence? Are such repercussions primarily due to the technology itself, or the culture and societal structure within which it grows?

Technology rarely leads to pure salvation or destruction, but the hype feels real that AI could be either. Can we bend it to further raise global consciousness? It's unclear where to go from here, but worth our deliberation.