Peace with Life
It’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday, the urgent distractions that take up our mindshare. I think about how long a week can feel, and how much of it can be dominated by the news, or tribe drama, or consumption, or negative self talk. If we zoom out, do those things have any bearing on our wellbeing, on our life experience as we would like to experience it? Examining the bigger picture helps us adjust our center, our starting point, our orientation to all we encounter in life. It helps us differentiate what truly matters. I try to ask myself often, “If I continue on this current track, how will I feel on my deathbed? Will I be proud? Satisfied? Fulfilled?” It can be a heavy line of thought, certainly, but I find that when I am in touch with this question I feel content with the direction of my life. You know when a character in a show or book knows she’s going to die and has a brief burst of her life’s imagery? The ultimate example is Bruce Willis in the film Armageddon, when he has that rapid series of flashes of his daughter growing up before the bomb goes off. Who knows if such an epiphany ever occurs, but that scene has always stuck with me… what would appear in your series? What are ultimately the most important facets of your life? I think when we determine for ourselves what they are, and feel that quiet sense of confidence about our decision, we can not only pursue our wildest dreams and live our fullest lives, but also be truly at peace.