Infinite Perspectives
It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve finally truly understood something: every person sees the world differently. I reflect on how I see the world, and I think about why. It’s because of my unique experiences in life—just as the next person will see the world the way they do because of their distinct life experience. I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to travel and see different parts of the world. This has given me an unusual perspective about societal norms and has altered how I view the world as a whole. Even if we take someone within roughly the same culture and circumstances—say, someone the same age as me who grew up and lives in Baltimore, it becomes clear their perspective would be completely different.
This may seem obvious. In a rudimentary way, of course I’ve understood we all have our own perceptions of reality. But on a deeper level, it can be profound to consider that we each have our own entirely singular lens with which we view the world. My partner and I see the world slightly differently, and that’s the person I spend more time with than any other. I view the world differently than my parents and the rest of my family, than my friends…and the same holds for every single other person on this planet. No other person sees life the same way you do.
This is why friends bond and easily reminisce over a shared experience, such as a summer camp together or concert or years at school. In those instances of shared time, friends experience an intersection of perspective, and this connection is enjoyable. We revel in strengthening the fellowships we develop.
How powerful our brains are to warp experience into idea and perspective for future survival. Can we leverage this phenomenon, can we harness it? We are well on our way to creating shared experience through the power of technology. Haven’t you experienced a connection with a stranger or acquaintance over a well-known meme or gif? Perhaps the internet has made more connections than we know, and is not simply divisive.
Our perspectives can be our unique contributions to the world, or they can be a means for segregation and destruction. What will we choose?