A Different Winter
Today marks the Winter Solstice and the beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. What a weird winter it will be. Walks are still modified to distance from any passerby. We shelter in our homes not due to the cold and the elements but because of a novel virus that has entered our world. Holidays will look different this year, perhaps unlike any we have ever experienced in our civilization's history. The world, in many ways, is strange and different this winter. Maybe we can use this demarcation event today to pledge a commitment to kindness and fortitude. Resilience is necessary every winter and has been encoded in our DNA for hundreds of thousands of years. This year however, we brave the most treacherous season for different reasons. Let us remember to be kind to one another, that we are all human, and let us remember the big picture, when faced with the inevitable difficult decisions that await us. Such resolve will enable us to not merely survive the longest night of the year, but also remind us of the coming dawn.