Embracing our wildest dreams
I’ve been reflecting a lot about my life since my birthday on Tuesday. I’m making some changes to my morning saying, and I’ve set a few big hairy audacious goals for my 32nd year on this planet. The most important: to fully adopt a one world paradigm—the same perspective shift I advocate for in my upcoming book. My updated morning saying will incorporate and reinforce this notion so that I live with this conviction every single day. Because the reality is, we all live on this one floating sphere together. Everything we know, everything that has ever happened in the history of our species, has occurred here on Earth. In the 13.8 billion year timeline of our universe, I happen to be alive right here, right now. When you accept these facts, it becomes obvious how ludicrous it is to dream small. To not live our best life. None of us knows how much time we have. Let’s make the most of it; let’s change our species, our future, and the world.