The Presidents Game
I have this deck of Presidential cards that make it out of the game box every now and then. On one side of each card is the official Presidential portrait, while the other contains brief paragraphs on that person’s life and term.
My family makes fun of me, because I like to play “the Presidents game”—basically badgering others into guessing who each President is, based on facts or portrait. It’s a pretty dorky game.
I enjoy looking at those cards because it reminds me how much a person can change the course of a country. The United States has had some good presidents, and many bad ones, but each left an indelible mark on this country. And each of those people were chosen by the people.
Our political system needs heavy repair, no doubt. But it has also forged a potential path towards a working democracy, provided an opportunity to make the world better for the people, by the people.
We still have the chance to improve. I think about all these things as we observe Presidents’ Day today. Our choices will change the world, of that there is no argument. What’s undecided is how… how will we change the world?