Reflection on Independence
I’ve always kind of struggled with the fourth. Back when I lived abroad for a few years I saw the nationalism from a distance, and I was a bit disillusioned.
This year, I feel much chagrin. The country I was born in, that I will always call home, is in a transition. The Roe v. Wade decision is the most high profile example of a series of policy decisions in this country that I do not agree with. Women are the most sacred beings on this planet—how can we accept such a course of action?
On the anniversary today I stand with my wife, I stand with my mother, and I stand with my Granny. Today is an opportunity for reflection. The United States can be and is great in many ways, but there are also several ways to course correct. It begins with the most basic decency of half our population.
We are indeed in a transition. But we have the ability to decide how this transition progresses onward; we have the power to determine the type of world for our children. On Independence Day today, let us reflect. So that tomorrow, we may act.